Integrate Facebook Login to Ionic Firebase App
Published on August 3, 2017 | Reading time: 9min
Metadata for this article
Firebase CLI: 3.9.1
Ionic Framework Version: 3.6.0
Ionic CLI Version: 3.7.0
Time to read: 9 minutes
What do you learn in this article?
- Reusing an existing Ionic App with Firebase
- Setup Facebook-App for using Facebook-Login
- Connect Firebase and Facebook to use Facebook-Login
- Extend Ionic App for using Facebook Login
Where do I find the sample project?
You can find the sample project on my Github page: Add Facebook-Login to Ionic App using Firebase.
Before we could start we do a short recap. For this tutorial we’re going to use an existing Ionic project which uses Firebase already. The project we’re going to use was created in the Ionic and Firebase Authentication tutorial which I’ve created earlier this year. So before we start I assume that you got the following things already:
- An Ionic App which uses AngularFire2
- An existing Firebase project which can be used for this tutorial
- The Ionic App has E-Mail/Password authentication implemented
If you haven’t these things already done, you can download the starting project from Github.
Setup a Facebook App
Before we can start implementing the Facebook provider into our app, we need to create a new Facebook App. To create a new Facebook App you should be registered with your Facebook Account as a developer and switching to the Facebook Developer Portal.
If you’re logged in, select “Add a new App”.
In the Facebook popup enter a display name (mostly the name of your app) and a contact email address:
In the security popup you need to resolve the captcha and it creates your app. If your app was created and Facebook redirected you to your app, you have to select “Facebook Login” to add the login functionality to your app. Now you need to switch to your Firebase console, into our project and add Facebook as an authentication provider.
Enable Facebook als authentication provider. You need to enter your Facebook App ID
and App
secret here to Firebase. These two keys can be found in your Facebook app under settings
After entering the App ID
and the App secret
you need to copy the Firebase redirect URL and hit save
The redirect URL from Firebase should now be entered into your Facebook app. So switch back to the Facebook Developer Portal, click on Facebook Login
under Products
and enter the redirect URL into the Valid OAuth redirect URIs
field. After this hit Save Changes
Also we need to add this redirect URL to the Facebook app platform. For this, select Quickstart
on the left side menu and select Web
as platform. Enter your redirect URL and hit Save
Now your Facebook app is nearly finished. We come back to that later.
Setup Ionic App with Facebook Login on the Web
There are now two main ways we have to implement for using Facebook login.
First, we implement the option to login using Facebook if our app is running in the browser. Second, implementing the usage of the Cordova plugin to use Facebook login on mobile devices.
So let’s start with the web version. At first we need to add a Facebook login button to our application and the corresponding method in our component.
So in our login.html
we add a new button:
<button full ion-button (click)="loginFacebook()">Login with Facebook</button>
And a new, empty method to our login.ts
loginFacebook() {
// Login code goes here
So far, so good. In our login.ts
we already added the AngularFireAuth
provider from the previous tutorial. Now we also need to import the Firebase SDK directly:
import * as firebase from "firebase/app";
Now we’re able to implement the loginFacebook
method by using Facebook as authentication provider:
loginFacebook() {
this.afAuth.auth.signInWithPopup(new firebase.auth.FacebookAuthProvider())
.then((res) => console.log(res));
If you now start your app locally with ionic serve
and hit the Login with Facebook
button, you should be redirected to Facebook, submit the OAuth and redirected back to your application:
After successful sign in, you should see the credentials in the debugging console:
That’s it for now. Next is implementing the mobile Cordova plugin.
Adding the Cordova Facebook Plugin to your app
For using the Facebook login also on your mobile device, you need to add a Facebook Cordova plugin. First you need to add, if you haven’t already, a mobile platform e.g. ionic cordova platform add android
Now you are able to add the Facebook plugin:
ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-facebook4 --variable APP_ID="123456789" --variable APP_NAME="myApplication" --save
Make sure you provider the correct APP_ID
and the correct APP_NAME
. The App Name is the display name of the Facebook app (without spaces). In my case this should look like this:
ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-facebook4 --variable APP_ID="1383067751814949" --variable APP_NAME="" --save
After adding the Cordova plugin, you should now see this additional information in your config.xml
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-facebook4" spec="^1.9.1">
<variable name="APP_ID" value="1383067751814949" />
<variable name="APP_NAME" value="" />
To use this plugin now, we need to add the related Ionic Native
plugin. You could use npm
or yarn
for handling packages:
npm install --save @ionic-native/facebook
To be able to use this native plugin you have to add the Facebook provider to our app.module.ts
. This should look like this:
// ...
import { AngularFireAuthModule } from "angularfire2/auth";
import { Facebook } from "@ionic-native/facebook";
// ...
// ....
providers: [
{ provide: ErrorHandler, useClass: IonicErrorHandler },
export class AppModule {}
For implementing this usage now, we switching to our login.ts
and importing the Facebook provider and the Platform
from ionic-angular
This are now the import
statements in this component:
import { Component } from "@angular/core";
import { NavController, ToastController, Platform } from "ionic-angular";
import { SignupPage } from "../signup/signup";
import { AngularFireAuth } from "angularfire2/auth";
import * as firebase from "firebase/app";
import { Facebook } from "@ionic-native/facebook";
We also need to provide the provider to the component using dependency injection:
private navCtrl: NavController,
private afAuth: AngularFireAuth,
private toastCtrl: ToastController,
private facebook: Facebook,
private platform: Platform
) { }
For the last code implementation we’re now going to change our loginFacebook
method. This will be extended with a platform detection and using the Facebook Cordova plugin:
signInWithFacebook() {
if ('cordova')) {
return this.facebook.login(['email', 'public_profile']).then(res => {
const facebookCredential = firebase.auth.FacebookAuthProvider.credential(res.authResponse.accessToken);
return firebase.auth().signInWithCredential(facebookCredential);
else {
return this.afAuth.auth
.signInWithPopup(new firebase.auth.FacebookAuthProvider())
.then(res => console.log(res));
That’s for the coding part. One last thing is now left. For using the Facebook Cordova plugin we need to switch to the Facebook Developer Portal and enable the corresponding login platform (in our case Android).
So, switch to the Portal, select Facebook Login
and Quickstart
. There you should select the platform Android
In Download the Facebook SDK for Android
click on Next
. Also click Next
for Import the Facebook SDK
Now, in Tell Us about Your Android Project
enter your package name (could be found in config.xml
as id). E.g. com.webatlas.aaronczichon
In Default Activity Class Name
also enter this package name and extend it with the name of your application which could also be found in config.xml
. In my case this would be:
Hint: If your app has spaces in it’s name just remove them for the Default Activity Class Name
Hint: If Facebook is asking you, that they have a problem verifying the package name with Google just click Use this package name
Hint: If you enable the iOS
platform, click Next
on the first two steps and on 3. Add your Bundle identifier
enter the same package name which you can find in config.xml
as id
And last but not least we have to enable our Facebook application. For this go to your Facebook app, App Review
and set Make public?
(but with your app name) to Yes
. Choose a category and select Confirm
That’s it! You have successfully added Facebook Login to your application!
Connect your testing device and run the application on your device using ionic cordova run android
Here is the full code of the login
// login.ts
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { NavController, ToastController, Platform } from 'ionic-angular';
import { SignupPage } from '../signup/signup';
import { AngularFireAuth } from 'angularfire2/auth';
import * as firebase from 'firebase/app';
import { Facebook } from '@ionic-native/facebook';
selector: 'page-login',
templateUrl: 'login.html'
export class LoginPage {
loginData = {
email: '',
password: ''
private navCtrl: NavController,
private afAuth: AngularFireAuth,
private toastCtrl: ToastController,
private facebook: Facebook,
private platform: Platform
) { }
login() {
this.afAuth.auth.signInWithEmailAndPassword(, this.loginData.password)
.then(auth => {
// Do custom things with auth
.catch(err => {
// Handle error
let toast = this.toastCtrl.create({
message: err.message,
duration: 1000
signup() {
this.navCtrl.push(SignupPage, { email: });
loginFacebook() {
if ('cordova')) {
return this.facebook.login(['email', 'public_profile']).then(res => {
const facebookCredential = firebase.auth.FacebookAuthProvider.credential(res.authResponse.accessToken);
return firebase.auth().signInWithCredential(facebookCredential);
else {
return this.afAuth.auth
.signInWithPopup(new firebase.auth.FacebookAuthProvider())
.then(res => console.log(res));
We now have an Ionic application which can use Firebase email and password or Facebook as authentication provider. All users (also Facebook users) will now be available inside Firebase.
Because we implemented both, Cordova mobile plugin and the web platform we can run our application on mobile devices (iOS, Android and Windows) and also, for example, as Progressive Web App.
The full sample project can be found here on Github.
Best regards, Aaron